Conference Registration for School Leaders
Conference Registration for Business Partners
Athena K-12 Webinars

About Us
The New England Association of School Superintendents (NEASS) is a unifying association that serves public school superintendents and central office leaders across the six New England states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island & Vermont. NEASS recognizes the common responsibility of leadership among school leaders in the Association and the need for strengthening, exchanging, and using the knowledge, judgment and influence of all members in matters affecting the quality of education.
The objectives of the Association is to provide opportunity for study of mutual educational issues; and to make its members aware of pertinent educational matters; to provide a forum for the discussion of such issues; to formulate and advance positions on such matters; to establish close and continuous communication and cooperation in matters of mutual concern; to cooperate with other educational, community and service organizations, including AASA, in the promotion of effective public education; and to promote and maintain high professional standards and a spirit of fellowship among school administrators.